Why ‘Dubai Real Estate Unplugged’ should be on your podcast favourites list

Why ‘Dubai Real Estate Unplugged’ should be on your podcast favourites list

As podcasting takes over the world, here’s why our refreshingly frank bi-weekly series is essential if you’re considering a move in the emirate’s booming property market.

In 2023, the world of podcasting is officially on fire. According to statistics from Spotify, there were an incredible 464.7 million global podcast listeners globally as of April this year – and it’s projected there’ll be around 504.9 million podcast listeners worldwide by the end of 2024. A huge rise since 2019, when there were just 274.8 million people tuning in.

Meanwhile, other figures from Podcast Insights reveal the places people are mainly tuning into their favourite shows – 49% at home and 22% in the car. This highlights a key appeal of podcasts – their ability to fit into our hectic lives like no other medium. While we all juggle busy schedules, they provide a convenient way to stay informed on topics that matter to us.

From a consumer’s point of view, podcasts allow individuals to acquire new knowledge and feel inspired, often getting free expert advice in areas that might otherwise feel complicated or overwhelming.

Which brings us to ‘Dubai Real Estate Unplugged’ – the official bi-weekly haus & haus podcast.

Launched back in 2019, it has become known for its authentic, unvarnished approach to discussing both the opportunities and challenges of the Dubai property market, building a community of engaged listeners along the way.

Hosted by one of the three haus & haus Managing Directors and company founders – Luke Remington – and often featuring expert industry guests, the bi-weekly episodes have covered a wide range of topics from off plan investing to the basics of property valuation, along with frequent important updates on the market.

Luke explains why the podcast is a success.

“Not only is Dubai Real Estate Unplugged both informative and entertaining, but we also made a commitment from day one to being as frank, honest and open as possible – even if it occasionally means ruffling a few feathers. If you haven't already, we invite you to tune in and see what all the fuss is about. Who knows, you just might learn something that makes you a property fortune.”

So, what are some of our most popular episodes? It's tough to choose just a few, but here are some fan favourites that you can listen to right now:

The world of off plan: Investing in potential

Dubai Hills Estate of Mind

Q1 Market Insights


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Dubai Real Estate: Unplugged

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