Nail your next job interview with these expert tips

Nail your next job interview with these expert tips

Got an important career meeting soon? Here's advice on how to ace it from the haus & haus recruitment specialists.

Applying for a job can be intimidating – especially if it's a role you really, really want to get. Maybe you can't stop thinking about the other candidates or you're worried about giving the right answers. Trust us, we've all been there.

While some factors fall out of your control – like the questions you'll be asked or how rigorous the process is – there are some steps you can take to help improve your chances of impressing an employer. Let's set you up for success with these helpful tips.

Do your research

Make sure you read about the company and check their main channels before the interview. Sure, you might nail all the questions – but not knowing anything about the company might get you into the bottom list.

"If someone doesn't know what we do that's a big red flag," says our Recruitment Consultant Aurelia Cebula. "They don't need to research our entire company story, but it's nice to see that they've taken some time to review any recent work and even ask a couple of questions about the team." Time to dust off your research skills.

Know your role

As you learn about the company, make sure you also have a good look at the job you're applying for. Read the description, understand the requirements, and ask yourself why you want to get this role.

If you know anyone from the industry, maybe ask them a few questions about their experience as well. This will show that you're interested and well prepared for the position – plus you'll be more than ready to answer any related questions.

Make a good first impression

Interviewers can already tell a lot about you before the conversation begins – how you look and when you show up are important factors that will contribute to the final decision.

Aim to arrive at the location (or open the Zoom link) at least 10 minutes early to avoid any inconvenience. As for your outfit, make sure you look the part. If you're applying for a real estate job for example, think of what you would wear to a viewing with an important client. Remember, you don't get a second chance at first impressions.

Leave the nerves outside

We all know how daunting an interview can be. There's nothing wrong with being nervous, but the more you control your emotions, the better you'll do when the big day comes.

Also, chances are you're not alone in this feeling. "Interviewers can get nervous during interviews too, they want candidates to enjoy the experience and be interested in what they offer," said Aurelia. "While they're trying to impress us, we're also trying to demonstrate that we're the best choice." Phew!

Be yourself

You shouldn't be afraid of being yourself during the conversation, just make sure it aligns with the professional environment. This is your opportunity to connect with the interviewer, so ask as many questions as you like and don't be afraid to show your personality.

Companies aren't looking for a robot after all – they want someone who can do the job but also brings friendly and positive vibes to the team.

These tips can help you feel more in control of the interview and hopefully land that dream job you've been working towards. Not sure what that is yet? You can always go to our Careers page and take a look at the opportunities at haus & haus.


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